Welcome to the future of travel and tourism – Smart Destinations Marketing! In a rapidly evolving world, the tourism industry is embracing innovative strategies to create destinations that are not only attractive but also intelligent and sustainable. Smart Destinations Marketing goes beyond conventional approaches, incorporating cutting-edge technologies and data-driven insights to enhance the overall visitor experience. Join us on a journey where creativity meets intelligence, shaping destinations that are forward-thinking, eco-friendly, and tailored to the needs of modern travellers. In this era of Smart Destinations Marketing, we invite you to explore the intersection of technology, sustainability, and exceptional destination experiences. Let’s pave the way for the future of travel together!


Deepening StudyA Toolkit for Tourism Destinations30 MIN
VideoSmart tourism between cultural metaverses and playable cities46 min
VideoWhat is the future of travel?12 min
VideoValues-based innovative marketing for less-known cultural tourism destinations30 min
WebinarSmart Tourism visions and ambitions: emerging strategies and governance models1 hour 19 min
Deepening StudyStudy on Mastering data for tourism by EU destinations
ArticleWhat is Destination Marketing | Benefits, Strategies & Examples
VideoTourism marketing: Future of the tourism marketingTourism marketing plays a crucial role in promoting destinations and attracting visitors through strategic promotional campaigns, captivating storytelling, and targeted advertising efforts.6.08 min
ArticleInformation communication technology vital marketing tool
Graubünden Best-of: Spontan in die Bündner Berge? Nichts einfacher als das.Innovative example of destination marketing
ArticleHow to Use Social Media for Destination Marketing
VideoWhat is Tourism?4.20 min
VideoWhat is Tourism Destination management?4.51 min
VideoWhat is Tourism Marketing?5.54 min
MaterialsEuropean Tourism Statistics
VideoThe Future of Tourism: what is next?11.21 min
VideoA plan is not a strategy?Harvard Business Review explains the difference between a plan and a strategy9.31 min
ArticleWhat is Destination Marketing | Benefits, Strategies & Examples46 min
VideoTourism marketing: Future of the tourism marketingTourism marketing plays a crucial role in promoting destinations and attracting visitors through strategic promotional campaigns, captivating storytelling, and targeted advertising efforts.6.08
ArticleInformation communication technology-a vital marketing tool
ArticleHow to Use Social Media for Destination Marketing
GuidelineDestination StorytellingThe guide introduces the tole of stories in promoting regenerative tourism experiences.
WebinarAI & Big Data Empowering DMOsThe webinar uncovers the profound influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data on the landscape of destination marketing and management. It dives into the realm of tailored marketing approaches, utilising predictive analytics to decipher evolving tourism trends.
ArticleDefining a destination marketing strategy: 16 questions for a strong startA quick guide of essential questions you need to ask both when defining your territorial promotion campaigns as well as to facilitate your strategic planning.
ArticleVisit Malta launches Marija, the world’s first Virtual CitizenThis is a useful case study to develop the tourism product by combining art and AI. The virtual guide, available via app, will help tourists by giving information regarding the island’s history and culture.
VideoTourist attractions come alive with AI and recommend visiting DenmarkVisit Denmark has used artificial intelligence to bring the paintings in the National Gallery to life in an innovative marketing campaign. Tourist attractions come alive with artificial intelligence and recommend visiting Denmark. The project aims to limit tourist pressure on the National Museum by inviting visitors to also see the natural heritage and enjoy the culinary specialties.1.13
Deepening StudyApplication of Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Visitors to the Tourist Attractions of the Moche Route in PeruProm Peru used machine learning (part of AI) to predict the number of visitors in the Moche Route tourist attraction. This is an example of how artificial intelligence has been used to effectively manage tourism and also to achieve the digital transformation to promote the Moche Route and, thus, reactivate tourism and the economy in the north of Peru.
Deepening StudyDeloitte Insights – Smart TourismIn the era of mass traveling and digital innovation, traditional tourism has undergone a significant transformation, giving rise to the concept of smart tourism. Enabled by cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and data analytics, prioritising sustainability and accessibility and building upon destinations’ cultural heritage, smart tourism has revolutionised the way we explore, experience, and engage with destinations.